Rejoicing and Lament: the Derek Chauvin Verdict

Yesterday, Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who killed George Floyd was found guilty on 3 counts of murder. This is a significant moment in the story of our nation's fight for equity and racial justice. Today, we rejoice because this verdict means the justice system publicly acknowledged the injustice of George Floyd’s death. We also lament recognizing there remains significant work ahead in the commitment to repentance for the sins of our nation, reconciliation, and pursuing racial justice and equity.

This is yet another moment that shines light on the historic divisions within the body of Christ across lines of race and ethnicity. Pastors, we pray for the courage and wisdom to prophetically shepherd churches through the cultural storms that seek to distract, divide, and devour our congregations. We pray for the ability to address sin and point people to the incredible gospel that is big enough to confront and heal the sin of generations. Big enough to motivate Christians toward repentance and acts of justice and mercy. We pray that the gospel story would be the narrative that unites God’s people and deeply captures the mind, affections, and imagination of Christians in such a way we are continually transformed into greater representatives of God’s character to the world around us. 

Join us in praying: 
How long Oh Lord? Please may this be one significant and yet small step toward shining light in dark places and paving the way for reform and justice in our nation. Continue to awaken your children whom you’ve placed inside the justice system and positions of power to have eyes to see systemic racism and courage to act. Continue to expose any place the American church displays hard-heartedness to sin that reduces and assaults the imago dei. Lead us to repentance and renewal and make us the peacemakers our cities need and faithful to the ministry of reconciliation.



God's Invitation to Everyday Discipleship