Start you journey.
The American church sits at one of the most critical intersections of the modern era.
Waves of nationalism, individualism and consumerism have washed over our communities; and after polarizing election cycles and a worldwide pandemic, the church now faces people, neighborhoods, and cultures that have been radically changed.
Church leaders today are required to adapt; but to do so, they need tools to reframe how to faithfully equip this generation for the work of ministry. Specifically, they need tools shaped by diverse theological and missiological traditions to help bring fresh clarity around what faithfulness looks like in their diverse, ever-changing contexts.
Our 3 year regional learning cohort program provides space for churches to collaborate as they work to strengthen ministries that help people deepen their relationships with God, enhance their connections with each other, and contribute to the flourishing of their communities throughout the world.
Cohort participants will join with other local church leaders to engage in an experiential learning journey that features some of the nations best missiologists, theologians, and practitioners while also providing space for collaborative projects to emerge that equip them to engage their neighbors in more active ways.
We believe this three year journey will allow the church in your part of the city to more effectively self-organize around meals, friendship, and shared mission.
What Will We Be Experiencing?
Each session will be interwoven with teaching focused on: spiritual renewal, healthy leadership, prayer, and activating our congregations unto neighbor love. We will engage each time by practically applying the content to developing leadership intuitions and skills that:
Activate our congregations
Deepen our congregation’s spiritual health
Strengthen our love of neighbor and collective witness of Christ

Thabiti Anabwile
Chuck Degroat
Linda Morris
Marty Caldwell
Christina Edmonson
Dennae Pierre
Abe Cho
Robert Guerrero
Vermon Pierre
Kit Danley
Alan Hirsch
Curt Thompson
Kimberly Deckel
Tyler Johnson
Renee Worcester
Cohorts will be composed of 3-6 ministry leaders from three or more churches that serve within close-proximity to each other. Cohorts will gather once a month (Except June & July).
Each year, over the three year cycle, cohorts will experience:
9 Six-hour intensives featuring key leaders from around the world
12 Three-hour seminars led by high-level ministry leaders
3 Day-long trips exploring various ministries across the valley
3 Overnight trips exploring ministries in Chicago, L.A. & New York.
3 Day-long spiritual formation retreats
Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in the Surge Learning Cohort. A member of our team will respond shortly.