Celebrating 15 years of Surge School!

Surge started in 2007 with our first training program called Surge School! This is a program that trains laity (non-clergy) to demonstrate the character of God in all the places they work and live.

This marks the 15th year of Surge School and we had an epic kick off!! Aaron Dailey brought such a powerful word (listen below!) about what it means to be part of the movement of God in our cities.

This year, we have decided to invest a lot into our Surge School Intensives. What's an intensive? It's the quarterly in-person meeting that all Surge School participants attend. After all the disruption from covid, it is so good to gather together in-person!

This year we are focused on re-building the quality of the experience: good food, table discussion, worship, great teaching, and an opportunity to see churches from across the city learning and building together.

Please pray as several hundred students from many different churches embark on a 9-month journey of study, missional practices, and discerning their place in God’s magnificent story. And if you want to learn more about doing Surge School in your church, email David Beldman (dave.beldman@surgenetwork.com) about signing up for the next Surge Turbo Table.

Dennae Pierre


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